1. The video stated people who take part in P2P networks like second life or WOW are better friends with the people who they interact with online. But has it completely deminished the face to face social interaction aspect of life? I am required to be social for my job but how would that be effected if I grew up only talking to people's aviators? Would I be intimidated talking to people? Would I be the shy guy in the corner? Would I even be able to do my job?
2. With school being a dominate cactor in my life, I feel like I have to ask; has technology effected the way we approach higher education? The availability of information has become inconceivable. Hypotheticaly speaking if we took someone from a college 50 year ago and had them trade places with someone with a current student, would the adaptation of technology during that time help or hinder the students performance? Would the student sent to the past find the work load easier? Would the student from the past find the work load harder or overwhelming?
Finally as a former member of the military I can't say I agree with the Army's use of a gaming station as a recruiting post. People in the U.S. should join a service for love of country. They should join because the want to defend our freedoms and ways of life. They should not be coerced because they spent their lives playing Call of Duty in a recruiters office and thought it was a good thing to do.
To make a final point on how much we have been effected by this snowball effect, I typed out this post on my iphone.